Trust builder
I believe companies can be honest at every stage of the buyer journey and also win their categories
Advocacy to tech
The thread tying together my professional experience is trust.
I started in politics. During three highly-polarized years, my job was to generate grassroots activism and raise donations for a hot button issue.
Gaining a new member meant winning their trust in our organization - to demonstrate consistently that we would not only be responsible with their money and time, but also that we would effectively represent their values.
The principles required for success in politics are the same as in all entrepreneurial endeavors.
You must understand your market's starting point in terms of their values and knowledge, in which sources of influences they currently place their trust, and what drives them to take action.
The truth is that only through thoughtful preparation, intentional relationship building, and honesty can you gain these insights and scale a sustainable venture.
Success growing Consumer, SMB, Enterprise, & Partner
My tech career started at Yext, a publicly-traded AI SaaS platform. I was the GTM business partner to the $100M ARR channel partner business, comprised of 5,000 resellers and a budding strategic alliances program. During my four-year tenure, I led projects that activated over $20M in new business from small agencies as well as enterprise via the likes of Accenture and IBM.
A side project started to gain traction towards the end of 2019, which eventually became a funded venture. As the founder and CEO, I led the founding team from zero to 12 angel investors, 7 world-class advisors, and 10,000 consumers in two years. The app's user base continues to grow to this day,
These six years of experience gave me the opportunity to work directly with and learn from leaders of top-tier organizations such as Accenture, IBM, Publicis Sapient, Uber, Airbnb, Bankrate, Teamsnap, HP, Bridgewater, UBS,, and more.
I now use these insights to serve early-stage founders and their startups. From brand to sales to product, I have used trust-building, storytelling, experimentation, and process to move the needle at every segment of the customer journey
Check out my case studies and request my availability if you're interested in working together.
Case Studies